3 events found.
Trivia Night at Monk’s Bar & Grill
Monk's Bar & Grill 8313 Murphy Drive, MiddletonHow much do you really know? Prove it every Tuesday AND Thursday night @ 6 p.m.! TRIVIA PRIZES: First prize: $30 Gift Certificate Second prize: $20 Gift Certificate Third…
Mario Kart League Night
The Kickback Bar 7622 Lisa Ln, MiddletonJoin The Kickback Bar for Mario Kart League Night the second Tuesday of each month! The only place for reckless driving is on the track as you race your way…
Tuesday Night Trivia at Longtable
Longtable Beer Cafe 7545 Hubbard Ave, MiddletonJoin Longtable Beer Cafe for Premier Trivia on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m. Free to play PLUS the chance to win great prizes. Even better, we feature Bottles on the…