City of Middleton Announces 2024 Trick-or-treat Hours
MIDDLETON, Wis. – The City has announced the much-anticipated times for the annual Trick or Treat: 5-8 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024. “Trick or Treat…
MIDDLETON, Wis. – The City has announced the much-anticipated times for the annual Trick or Treat: 5-8 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024.
“Trick or Treat is an opportunity for our neighborhoods and the community to come together to provide a fun, safe environment for children and families to celebrate with one another,” said Mayor Emily Kuhn. “I can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes and decorations this year. Have a safe and fun Halloween, Middleton!”
The Middleton Police Department encourages safety and supervision during the annual Trick or Treat season. It is especially important for parents to adhere to a few safety rules for their children when they are trick-or-treating:
- Know your kid’s route
- Take a flashlight
- Be sure costumes, shoes, and treat bags are safe
- Remind kids not to enter strangers’ homes or cars
- Set rules about not eating treats until kids get home & be sure to inspect all treats before allowing kids to eat them
- Candy that has been opened should be thrown away & any homemade treats or fruit should be inspected closely
- Remember drivers have a hard time seeing people, especially at dusk
- Never cross the street between parked cars
- Watch open flames from jack-o-lanterns as they can catch costumes and long wigs on fire
- Make sure that fake knives, swords & guns are made from cardboard or other flexible materials to avoid accidental injury or worse, have them mistaken for the real thing!
It is also important to ensure that your home is safe and accessible to trick-or-treaters. As adults, there are some very simple things we can do to make the evening safe for everyone:
- Turn on your porch light
- Remove objects from your yard that might present a hazard
- Move lit jack-o-lanterns off the porch where kids get bunched up if they are trick-or-treating in groups.
- Drive extra carefully all evening. You never know what creature may suddenly cross your path!
- Report any suspicious or criminal activity to the police
Modified October 4, 2024